
Wednesday, December 29, 2004

End of Year Lists

Some Good things to ask yourself...
1. What did you accomplish? [breakthroughs of the year-/obstacles]

2. What were your disappointments? [frustrations]

3. Think process. [review your two lists--methods ]

4. What lessons have you learned? [accomplishments and disappointments--Write them down]

5. Celebrate your success. [pat yourself on the back]

6. Celebrate with others. [Consider how others have contributed to the success]

7. Understand your values. [Your core beliefs and values are the foundation on which you

8. Review your vision and goals for your organization. [Are you still on track?]

9. Develop your plan. [with your team]

10. Commit your plan to paper. [place your goals in a visible place somewhere where you will regularly see them]

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