
Saturday, June 05, 2004

Feel a Draft Coming?

Pending Draft Legislation Targeted for Spring 2005
The Draft will Start in June 2005
The pentagon has quietly begun a public campaign to fill all 10,350 draft board positions and 11,070 appeals board slots nationwide..

Time to start fighting people.
Here's where to write your Congressmen and Representatives.
This is no f---ing Hockey Game.
If your for the war then enlist.--- But stop the Draft Now!
Draft Creep Documents the progress made so far...

One Anon commented on this already.
"Let's be greatful to Georgey for bringing back the 60's! War! The draft! I wished I was in a position to do something back then when I was a youth. Now... anyway it's good to see the 60's back."

It's Hard to tell where people like that come from. If you like the war you should serve you can still do something Try volunteering at the VA hospital near you. They have some amputees just back from Iraq.

1 comment:

  1. Herb,
    Thanks for commenting on my post.
    People usually don't.
    Perhaps it's a feature of the way Blogger has comments set up and linked to peoples profiles.
    Blogs can be very personal and public.
    The first time i commented on some ones blog, I actually E-mailed her and she said that Blogging was a lot like being on a soap box in (Washington?) Park, NYC.
    I pictured her talking about her job and friends while people walk by ignoring her. Eventually she became and wrote about traveling around the world. Quality writing if your looking for it.
    Comments actually have a life of their own. Some people don't delete disagreable statments because they ejoy the multiple conversations.
    Perhaps your Comparison to the 1960's was apt, although the Anti_War protests didn't really get underway until the end of the decade, Before that it was Civil Rights.
    Assasination put a stop to that, Then drugs and egoistic socialism diverted the peace movement.
    Most of the Psychedelic sixties happened in the seventies though. Sort of like punks were shocking when they showed in the early seventies, then it became a social style lasting all the way to the twentyfirst century.
    Indeed a lot of Protest is just posturing, a social dance for mating or power. In the larger picture, it makes a difference, you can enhance your appearence to make yourself attractive or use it to drive others away.
    The Idea of mind expanding drugs still appeals to people although the reality of addiction ruins lives and communities. Just like bombs.
    If there are differences between this war and Vietnam, (there are many,) one of the most astounding has to be the fact that you or I could converse with our own troops or with the enemy. we can gather more information about the situation, and make more informed descisions.


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